Our Mission

“To create a positive future for Montana off-highway vehicle recreation by creating an ongoing communications forum through which OHV enthusiasts and organizations can share information and experiences; participate in educational opportunities; build partnerships with land managers, land owners and supporters; and become partners in protecting, promoting and creating a positive image of OHV recreation”

Our Purpose

  • Serve as a local organization of OHV recreationists in Montana.
  • Protect the rights of OHV riders to recreate on Montana’s public lands in a responsible manner.
  • Educate users about natural resource protection, weed control, and environmental awareness.
  • Ensure that all OHV enthusiasts are aware of their impact on and responsibility to the environment.
  • Educate users about the ethics, trail etiquette, safety, and importance of quiet OHV’s and riding in a responsible manner.
  • Promote a positive public image of OHV recreation with land managers, land owners, government officials and the general public.

Financial Support & Membership

GFTBRA is made up of riders like you who are tired of seeing their favorite riding areas restricted or closed. It doesn’t do any good to sit in the coffee shop and complain. Organized clubs and state associations keep riding areas open. It also takes money. Money for phone calls, postage, legal fees and lobbying in Helena and Washington. Many OHV enthusiasts spend thousands on an OHV. We’re asking you to join GFTBRA annually for less than the cost of an oil change.